Monday, September 30, 2013


Mountain climbing is viewed by some as an extreme sport, while for others it is simply an exhilarating pastime that offers the ultimate challenge of strength, endurance, and sacrifice. It can be highly dangerous, even fatal, especially when the climber is out of his or her depth, or simply gets overwhelmed by weather, terrain, ice, or other dangers of the mountain. Inexperience, poor planning, and inadequate equipment can all contribute to injury or death, so knowing what to do right matters.

Despite all the negatives, when done right, mountain climbing is an exciting, exhilarating, and rewarding experience. This training for Zara Guides  is an overview beginner's guide and outlines the initial basics to learn; in reality, each step is deserving of a training in its own right, and entire tomes have been written on climbing mountains, so you're advised to spend a good deal of your beginner's learning immersed in reading widely. This basic overview will give you an idea of what is involved in a climb

Do your research. Before you even set out to climb mountains, do as much reading as you can about the skills needed and about other people's experiences. It is as important to understand the mental required to climb a mountain as it is to be fit, and know how to use the equipment properly, and one of the best ways of understanding this is to read the stories of mountaineers who have climbed challenging, interesting, or many mountains. Many bookstores now carry sections specifically devoted to the craft of mountain climbing, so it won't be hard to find good book.

Assess your mental strength. A lot of mountain climbing is about your mental attitude because you will need to make sound, fast judgments about conditions, directions, and safety. For many mountaineers, the mental challenge is a large part of the allure because you are taken completely out of your usual routine of air-conditioned offices and easy lifestyles into a world where decision has major consequences and you're thoroughly tested. 

Get fit. Mountain climbing requires good fitness and endurance skills because it is an intensely demanding physical activity. You can't simply turn up for a big climb after a relatively sedentary office desk lifestyle. Train for fitness and strength in ways that benefit you best. 

Acquire the gear. Mountain climbing gear is very specific and absolutely essential. You have two options – buying your own or hiring it. If you decide to purchase your own, this will be initially expensive but if done gradually, it's a good option as you can be sure everything is fitted to you exactly, and if you plan on climbing more than one mountain, it's a good investment. If you're hiring gear, you won't be guaranteed ideal fit and the items will obviously be used but if you use a reputable outfitter, they will be able to provide quality, tested items. It's probably a good idea to hire for the first experience to see if you even enjoy mountain climbing, and then decide whether or not to start assembling your own gear. Even with hiring, there will still be items you need to purchase for yourself, such as your wick-away clothing layers, and perhaps your boots, as clothing items are far more important to get fitted properly.

Learn about mountaineering ethics. Knowing how to climb a mountain isn't just about the physical and mental aspects. Many mountains are located in remote areas of the world and your climbing can have an impact on the local environment. It is a privilege to be able to climb pristine mountains and most mountaineers are very concerned to keep mountains in their original condition, as well as not abusing local amenities or running roughshod over local cultures.

Get training. If you intend on doing your first climb as a course for beginners, then the course will serve as your initial training. On the other hand, if you're planning to climb with a companion, you may need to undertake some basic training before setting off unless you're prepared to "learn as you go" with your guide. A mountain club can offer you specialized courses in such skills as you need to know them all.

Plan your first climb. Your first ascent should be one suited to a beginner and preferably with an experienced guide. The level of difficulty of a mountain is affected by both its altitude and its terrain. Mountains are graded from easy to extremely difficult, with many gradations in between. A beginner mountaineer should always ascend an "easy" mountain to begin with, while still taking all necessary precautions because a mountain is still a mountain, no matter how "easy" it is considered. Different countries assign different grade systems, so you'll need to do a little research first. You'll also need to understand rock pitches (from very difficult to hard, very severe) and ice pitches if rock and ice pitches (alpine and waterfall ice) are an issue on the mountain sought to be climb.

Find a good guide. One of the best things you can do is to join a mountain climbing club near you. From this club, you'll soon connect into other clubs through a shared network and you'll be able to find good, trusted, and reputable guides through clubs. The great thing about clubs is that they will arrange group climbs, which are often targeted at beginner to intermediate climbers, so you can learn the skills while having fun meeting other like-minded climbers.

Prepare for the trip. If your mountain is close by, there will be less to arrange than if it requires travel to reach. If you don't live near mountains, you'll need to travel and book accommodation, and if this travel includes flying overseas, you'll also need to take into account baggage allowances and visa requirements, etc. In both cases, consider ensuring that you have insurance for equipment loss, and for medical evacuation, injury, and death.

Begin climbing. This step is simply an overview, for the actual climb requires many different techniques and is contextual to the mountain. This is where reading detailed books about your intended mountain climb is invaluable, along with talking to climbers who have already summitted it. Most climbs begin very early in the morning to ensure that you have time to come back down before darkness, or if you're sleeping on the mountain, to ensure you reach a suitable place for sleeping each night. After checking you have everything you need (which you should have packed the night before), and having a hearty breakfast, set out on your climb with your guide or experienced companion. Put into action all of the skills that you have trained for before reaching this mountain.

Descend with plenty of time to get back safely. Be aware that the descent is hard and dangerous. While it may seem easier than going up, this is the time that accidents are most likely to occur, and when concentration tends to lapse.

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